What is gtpdd?

So you’ve stumbled across gtpdd. Right about now, you’re probably questioning the life choices that brought you to the blog of a group of uberdedicated Louisiana Tech fans. You’re also probably thinking “what the hell is gtpdd, anyway?”

Well, first off, “gtpdd” stands for “go tech pls dont die.” It’s an exclamation best uttered before Tech goes and is most effective if they have not yet died. You see, we here at gtpdd love Tech sports. As such, we would prefer that Tech go and not die on every occasion. Despite our best attempts at convincing our teams to go and not die, sometimes Tech does not go and also dies (see ODU 2014/2021, USM 2015/2016/2017/2021… really the entire 2021 season… etc).

The phrase “go tech pls dont die” was first coined by gtpdd cofounder Matt Gallion, who set it as the name of a chat group before Louisiana Tech’s 2014 season opener at Oklahoma. That chat group consisted of Matt, Evan Spencer, and Daniel Adams. The three formed the group to discuss Tech going and not dying. (Daniel specifically wants me to say that he created the chat and don’t you forget it)

Since then, the group has expanded to include Nathan Ruppel, Josh Farrar, and Daniel Spencer, Jeremy Farrar, and Courtney. Evan created a Twitter account, from which he serves up fresh Skip memes to the masses. Nathan created this blog and started providing #content to enhance our #brand. The gang started a podcast, which is 1 part analysis and 10 parts therapy. gtpdd continues to expand including an Instagram page started by Courtney.

The goal of gtpdd is to be a group of fans that just vibes, homie. We’re not here to provide weekly posts and in-depth analysis… Unless, you know, we are. This is a passion project for us, just like being a fan. We’re sometimes serious, mostly silly fans. We run dumb contests that feature 3d printed trophies, we uhh… sometimes write blog posts? And we sell merch that says go tech pls dont die in our shop. No matter what, we promise to tweet our lil hearts out through the good times and bad!

We like it when Tech goes and does not die. If you do too, you’re in the right place!

1 thought on “What is gtpdd?”

  1. Hello and thanks for all you do……I did stumble upon this page quite by accident, via Twitter. As diehard fans, and innovative thinkers….I’d like to propose a MAJOR effort in helping to fund programs, as well as athletes, as now allowed under NCAA guidelines. Wouldn’t it be cool if what I will explain to you is real and secure, we could just have so much fun with it and make an impact on the program(s) and be a ‘disruptor’ in the college funding, which can easily spillover into helping erase student debt, and so much more. I AM A MAJOR CANES FAN, btw, but moreso a fan of the game and of doing GREATER THINGS in this world and just need an open ear.

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