The Annual gtpdd Christmas Wish List

It’s that time of year again when the gray, cold, depressing weather rolls in, so that must mean Christmas is right around the corner. We here at gtpdd have many things that we wish for on a daily basis when it comes to Tech Athletics, so why not give Ol’ St. Nick a nice little list of things he could bring to us this year:

#1: A bowl game win

Evan: Santa, we’ve been so good this year, so we’re asking you for the same thing we got last year, and the year before that…and… the year before that… you get the point. Sure, some of our fans have grown tired of success, and what fan base doesn’t want more? But Santa, don’t let the haters make you second-guess your gifting (and regifting) of Tech Bowl wins. Much like grandma’s handmade sweaters, we’ll take it for the sixth year in a row and be happy, dammit!

Josh: Santa pls. This is all we have left for the football season. Our hopes and dreams were crushed by the month of November.

#2: Lift the curse of gtpdd on Tech’s women’s sports

Evan: Alright look. I love Tech, and I love football and like other sports fine. I’ll admit that I don’t keep in regular touch with the women’s soccer, softball, and volleyball teams. They’re like old high school friends I don’t talk to much but I see them every once in a while around the holidays and see how they’re doing. The difference here is that whenever I check in on the various Ladies Techster, they always seem to be doing so well! So I follow along for a while, keeping up with them and trying to be more involved in their lives. When I do that, it always seems to destroy whatever good thing they had going on before I was back in the picture. Santa, if you have the power, can you lift the curse on gtpdd and the Lady Techsters so we can have a long and fruitful relationship?!

#3: A DeLorean (with Flux Capacitor) and some Detox Tea


Save us McFly!

#4: An NCAA Tournament Berth

Josh: All I’ve wanted for years from Tech sports is an NCAA tournament run from either the men’s or women’s team. We’ve come so close so many times with the men’s basketball team and each time crushed my spirits, so let’s not have that happen again this year. I’ll travel to watch no matter what.

#5: Competent Special Teams Play

Josh: Look here St. Skip Nick. I’m tired of watching opposing teams break off big kick returns on us. I don’t get why we’re not kicking touchbacks on every kick off either if our kick coverage is so bad. I know this was our first year with a dedicated special teams coach, so I understand that not everything gets fixed in the first year. But can you please bring us some improvements for the bowl game and next year?


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