Post-Game Reaction
Evan: Whew! Tech finally did what the Hoop Troop tried to do so many years ago at Bartow Arena – Slay the Dragon that is UAB Football, and make their fans angry both on and offline.
There were times in this game where I thought for sure Tech was the better team, and there was a sizeable chunk of the game where I thought for sure we’d be run (literally) out of the Joe. In the end, it turned out that neither of those “certainties” was true. UAB was good at times… but Tech matched them by being solid. UAB was downright miserable at times… and Tech matched them by being terrible.
In the end, that’s what leads you to a double-overtime game in college – a hodgepodge of good and bad from both teams. Tech made the plays, and perhaps lacked the camera angles, to win the game, and that’s all we ask for!
Seriously, we finally managed to get the monkey off our back. I was so convinced after last year’s loss that we were cursed against UAB and that we’d never be able to beat them. Good lord the game was a mess though. If Tech fans weren’t so relieved that we won, I think everyone would’ve been mad at how that game was reffed.
So many hype af moments in that game. The pick and lateral. The TD to Hardy. The fumble recovery. The game-winning kick in 2OT. What a night. WHAT A GAME.
Nathan: What could I say that hasn’t already been said. Most years, this would be easily the most exciting game of the season. But between this, the USM thriller, and the UTSA collapse, the 2020 football season has me fearing for my heart.
Did Tech Die
Evan: Nope! We sure didn’t. Some of my compatriots here may say otherwise, but when you beat the reigning division champs, who returned something like double your returning production, I don’t care how it looked. You went, and did not die.
Josh: Tech is back from the dead baby! Zombie Bulldogs are on the prowl!
Nathan: Tech did die late in the second quarter. But only on Halloween could a team come back to life and win!
Moment of the Game
Evan: I’ll take an obvious one here. BeeJay Williamson’s second pick off of UAB QB Bryson Lucero led to one of my favorite things – a lateral to Khalil Ladler (a Khalil Ladler-al?) that went to the house. The play ended up being featured on SportsCenter’s “Trick or Treat” segment, and was #7 on Top Ten Plays!
Evan (Again): Aaron Allen’s pump fake right before the TD throw to tie the game:
Josh: Like Evan said, it’s easily the pick and lateral for a TD. Absolutely wild.
Nathan: Milton Williams celebration after a normal first down stop in the third quarter. Without that fire, I don’t think the team gets back into it

Also, its fun to look at UAB players pointing to the scoreboard knowing how it ended.
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